What date should I RSVP by?
Please RSVP by 4/01/2025.
What are the addresses of the wedding ceremony and reception venues?
Pinewood Event Center for both ceremony and reception.
| 33262 Palm St NW Cambridge, MN 55008
| 4 miles west Cambridge MN |
One hour north of Minneapolis on HWY 65
Is Venue wheelchair accessible?
Yes, it is! We have wheelchair-accessible parking spaces, bathrooms, and an elevator to the second floor.
Is there a shuttle available?
Yes, we have contracted a shuttle service to and from the event, which will be available from the Best Western Hotel in Isanti. The shuttles will leave the Best Western at 2:45 PM and begin returning to the hotel at 9 PM and then throughout the evening.
Is there parking available near your wedding venue?
Yes, there is parking on-site but there is no street parking so please carpool if possible!
Overnight parking is okay as long as vehicles are picked up before noon the following day.
Will your wedding be indoors or outdoors?
We are set up for both. The plan is to be outside for the ceremony, weather permitting and indoors for dinner and dancing.
Have you reserved blocks of rooms at one or more hotels?
409 MAIN ST E, ISANTI, MN 55040, USA
(763) 452-0520
Use Code: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.24145.html?promoCode=W24145UJ425
What else is nearby?
Cambridge is a very accommodating town. Below is a list of some of the businesses in town that may be convenient during your time here.
Walmart, Target, Menards, Fleet farm, Cub foods, Aldi, Wallgreens
Leader, Applebee's, Perkins, Taco Johns, Culvers, Jimmy Johns, Arby's, McDonald's, PizzaHut (delivers to Pinewood), Subway, Wendy's, Sidelines, Dairy Queen
Caribou, Starbucks, Leader
Purple Hawk, Sanbrook, K&A Mini Golf
What is your wedding hashtag?
Who can I contact for additional questions?
Contact Alyssa Granlund @ 612-759-5180 or alyssa@alyssagranund.com